Monthly Archives: August 2017


First Sunday Walk

info re 1st Sunday walk


First Sunday Walk

Walk flyer-06.08.17

Desolation hits Micheldever Station!

This year’s fete, destined to take place September 17th has had to be cancelled. Although plenty of lovely people offered to help on the day, but there was no leader to head it up and oversee the organisation.

If anyone or a group of people feel they would like to take on the challenge this year, do say. Hopefully next year there might be more success?

It is also our main fund raising activity, any suggestions how to replenish the Centre’s piggy bank?

Sport: From September two junior football teams will be using Warren Field as their home ground on Saturday mornings: Kings Worthy Under 15s and North Waltham Under 16s.  During the Summer two pub teams have been playing matches on Sunday mornings.

Andy Clarke is making a fantastic job of keeping the field top notch, but we need extra help to maintain the other areas, including inside the playground where the weeds are encroaching, and the back path to the Centre.

We aim to develop sport at the Centre. A group of people is needed to form a sports development committee to head this up. Plenty of people  use the field for keep fit so this should be a good opportunity to steer the Centre to wider sports. Judo for example?

The Cafe – This is the second year the cafe has been open. Ice creams and cream teas have certainly been the most popular. Open Tuesday to Saturday, we are lucky to have somewhere to chill out during the afternoon. Unfortunately we are very short of volunteers to help out, just one afternoon a week, 2-5, so please have a think. We may not have been busy, but we are there when we are needed and the nearest place for refreshment for several miles – and it’s in your village. Do pop in and support it, if it is to remain open.

Grounds upkeep: We will soon be putting out a plea for a working party to cut and slash, including the lower branches of the trees on the far side where they have covered the trim trail and large areas of the grounds. Please watch for that. We need however, someone willing to spend an hour or so, once a fortnight, to tidy up the area close to the Centre. Anyone out there willing to adopt that bit of the Centre’s maintenance once it has been cleared by the working party?

Dogs are welcome as members of our community, but please don’t let them leave anything behind on the field. Faeces can cause blindness in children

Where to now?

The Warren Centre is there for the community. Its Trust document states that it must be used for the education and entertainment of the community it serves. It has four legal Trustees, but it is run for and by the local Community.

It can be as good as we want it to be – or a white elephant.

In September we hope to hold a social gathering to give people the opportunity to say which direction  they want their Centre to go. Over the Summer have a ponder, discuss with your neighbours perhaps over a pint at the Dove, and  think about what you want for this village. Don’t say ” There’s nothing for me”. Let us know and we will do all we can to arrange it. Better still, get a group and we’ll help you put it on.

At present a small group cover the day to day management of the Centre, but that leaves little time or energy to promote new activities.

Your Village Hall needs you!